Mislocalization Heatmap
General Math Concepts
Joint Distribution
The joint distribution of two random variables and are written as follows.
If they are independent,
If they are conditioned,
Theorem of Total Probability
Bayes' Rule
Since we know and are conditioned on each other, we can use the theorem of total probability to express Bayes' rule.
In discrete form,
In integral form,
Prior & Posterior Distribution
If is a quantity that we would like to infer from , then
is called prior probability distribution.
is called posterior probability distribution over .
is called generative model.
In general is called data, e.g. range finder laser measurements or control actions.
Let denote robot state at time .
Let denote control action we apply to a robot at time .
Let denote measurement at time .
State Transition Probability
State transition probability describes what is the likelihood of producing a new state given that previous state and control action .
Measurement Probability
Measurement probability describes what is the likelihood of seeing a set of measurements, given the current state .
A belief reflects the robot's internal knowledge about the state of the environment. A belief distribution assigns a probability to each possible hypothesis with regards to the true state. Belief distributions are posterior probabilities over state variables conditioned on the available data.
Using zero indices, a belief is described as follows.
For each time step, before we incorporate the measurement data, we would like to make a prediction. The prediction belief is described as follows.
Calculating a belief from a prediction belief is called correction or measurement update.
Bayes Filter
The general Bayes filter involves two steps.
Generate prediction of current state using previous state and control action .
Perform correction, also known as measurement update, by incorporating .
Formally speaking, it is impossible to know the true state , at best we can only describe what we know about the current state or previous state as a probability density function, denote as .
Prediction step is also called control update.
Measurement Update
As noted before, the final belief function is a probability density function that tells you what is the probability for the random variable to take the value of .
MCL Particle Filter
Monte Carlo Localization Particle Filter is an algorithm derived from the Bayes filter, suitable for representing beliefs that cannot be modeled by Gaussian or other parametric models.
Parametric model is a class of probability distributions that has a finite number of parameters.
Particle filters represent beliefs by a cluster of particles. It usually involves 4 major steps.
Initialize a set of particles.
Iterate through each particle, for to .
Perform control update on particle .
Perform measurement update on particle .
Compute weight of the particle.
Add to a sample set.
Iterate times.
Draw from sample set with probability proportional to with replacement.
Add to the final sample set.
Return final sample set, which should have length .
Repeat step 2 to step 4 for subsequent control and measurement updates.
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