Go Concurrency Part 2

Let's write a program that will make multiple Google searches in parallel and return all the results once all of the responses have come back.

type search func(query string) string

func getSearch(kind string) search {
  return func(query string) string {
    // Optional: implement actual HTTP requests.
    time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s result for %q\n", kind, query)

var (
  web   = getSearch("web")
  image = getSearch("image")
  video = getSearch("video")

Now we can write our google function.

func google(query string) (results []string) {
  ch := make(chan string)

  go func() {
    ch <- web(query)

  go func() {
    ch <- image(query)

  go func() {
    ch <- video(query)

  for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
    r := <-ch
    results = append(results, r)

  return results

We run it in main.

func main() {

  start := time.Now()
  results := google("golang")
  elapsed := time.Since(start)


We should expect to see the following output.

[web result for "golang", video result for "golang", image result for "golang"]

Search with Timeout

We can make our search a bit more robust by introducing timeout because there's a chance that some results won't come back for a while and we don't want to wait for it.

func google(query string) (results []string) {
  ch := make(chan string)

  go func() {
    ch <- web(query)

  go func() {
    ch <- image(query)

  go func() {
    ch <- video(query)

  timeout := time.After(80 * time.Millisecond)
  for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
    select {
    case r := <-ch:
      results = append(results, r)
    case <-timeout:
      fmt.Println("timed out")
      return results

  return results

Suppose we can make requests to make multiple slave/replica servers and only return searches that complete in under 80 milliseconds.

func multisearch(query string, replicas ...search) string {
  ch := make(chan string)

  searchReplica := func(i int) {
    ch <- replicas[i](query)

  for i := range replicas {
    go searchReplica(i)

  // As soon as one of the replicas returns a result, return immediately.
  return <-ch

Now we can make requests to multiple slave servers.

var (
  web1   = getSearch("web")
  web2   = getSearch("web")
  image1 = getSearch("image")
  image2 = getSearch("image")
  video1 = getSearch("video")
  video2 = getSearch("video")

func google(query string) (results []string) {
  ch := make(chan string)

  go func() {
    ch <- multisearch(query, web1, web2)

  go func() {
    ch <- multisearch(query, image1, image2)

  go func() {
    ch <- multisearch(query, video1, video2)

  timeout := time.After(80 * time.Millisecond)
  for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
    select {
    case r := <-ch:
      results = append(results, r)
    case <-timeout:
      fmt.Println("timed out")
      return results

  return results

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