Go Module

We will start using Go module from this point on. One of the immediate visible benefits to you is that you no longer need to put your source code in $GOPATH.

Let's create a new folder on your Desktop and this is going to be our go module.

cd ~/Desktop
mkdir go-academy

Make sure you set environmental variable GO111MODULE to be on, either through command line interface or bash_profile.

export GO111MODULE=on

Now initialize your first go module.

go mod init github.com/calvinfeng/go-academy

Create a new project within the module and add a foo package to it.

mkdir sillyserver
cd sillyserver
mkdir handler
cd handler
touch silly.go

Let's create a simple handler within this package.

package handler

import (


func Silly(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	paragraph := randomdata.Paragraph()

Navigate back to the your sillyserver

cd ..
touch main.go

Create a server

package main

import (


func main() {
	srv := &http.Server{
		Addr:    ":8080",
		Handler: http.HandlerFunc(handler.Silly),


Build and run the server, witness the magic of go module.

go install && sillyserver

Last updated