In general we should never initialize the weights of our network to be all zeros.
Because when the network starts training, all neurons are practically doing same thing and all weights will receive identical updates, which greatly reduces the power of a neural network.
Normally Distributed
One of the naive approaches is to use small randoms that are normally distributed, e.g. guassian random numbers with zero mean and $10^{-2}$ standard deviations
W = 0.01 * np.random.randn(fan_in, fan_out)
Glossary: fan_in is the a term that defines the maximum number of inputs that a system can accept. fan_out is a term that defines the maximum number of inputs that the output of a system can feed to other systems.
import numpy as np
def forward_prop(hidden_layer_sizes, weight_init_func):
"""This is a simple experiment on showing how weight initialization can impact activation through deep layers
# Extract the first hidden layer dimension
h1_dim = hidden_layer_sizes[0]
# Randomly initialize 1000 inputs
inputs = np.random.randn(1000, h1_dim)
nonlinearities = ['tanh'] * len(hidden_layer_sizes)
act_func = {
'relu': lambda x: np.maximum(0, x),
'tanh': lambda x: np.tanh(x)
hidden_layer_acts = dict()
for i in range(len(hidden_layer_sizes)):
if i == 0:
X = inputs
X = hidden_layer_acts[i - 1]
fan_in = X.shape[1]
fan_out = hidden_layer_sizes[i]
W = weight_init_func(fan_in, fan_out)
H =, W)
H = act_func[nonlinearities[i]](H)
hidden_layer_acts[i] = H
hidden_layer_means = [np.mean(H) for i, H in hidden_layer_acts.items()]
hidden_layer_stds = [np.std(H) for i, H in hidden_layer_acts.items()]
return hidden_layer_acts, hidden_layer_means, hidden_layer_stds
def small_random_init(fan_in, fan_out):
return 0.01 * np.random.randn(fan_in, fan_out)
hidden_layer_sizes = [500] * 10
hidden_layer_acts, hidden_layer_means, hidden_layer_stds = forward_prop(hidden_layer_sizes, small_random_init)
for i, H in hidden_layer_acts.items():
print('Hidden layer %d had mean %f and std %f' % (i + 1, hidden_layer_means[i], hidden_layer_stds[i]))
Hidden layer 1 had mean -0.000139 and std 0.213260
Hidden layer 2 had mean 0.000038 and std 0.047572
Hidden layer 3 had mean 0.000006 and std 0.010630
Hidden layer 4 had mean -0.000002 and std 0.002386
Hidden layer 5 had mean 0.000001 and std 0.000535
Hidden layer 6 had mean -0.000000 and std 0.000119
Hidden layer 7 had mean -0.000000 and std 0.000027
Hidden layer 8 had mean 0.000000 and std 0.000006
Hidden layer 9 had mean -0.000000 and std 0.000001
Hidden layer 10 had mean -0.000000 and std 0.000000
Notice that when we have a 10-layer deep network, all activations approach zero at the end with this set of initialization. Well, how about increase the standard deviation?
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15,3)
def big_random_init(fan_in, fan_out):
return 1 * np.random.randn(fan_in, fan_out)
hidden_layer_acts, hidden_layer_means, hidden_layer_stds = forward_prop(hidden_layer_sizes, big_random_init)
for i, H in hidden_layer_acts.items():
print('Hidden layer %d had mean %f and std %f' % (i + 1, hidden_layer_means[i], hidden_layer_stds[i]))
# Plot the results
plt.plot(list(hidden_layer_acts.keys()), hidden_layer_means, 'ob-')
plt.title('layer mean')
plt.plot(list(hidden_layer_acts.keys()), hidden_layer_stds, 'or-')
plt.title('layer std')
# Plot the raw distribution
for i, H in hidden_layer_acts.items():
plt.subplot(1, len(hidden_layer_acts), i + 1)
plt.hist(H.ravel(), 30, range=(-1, 1))
Hidden layer 1 had mean -0.000385 and std 0.982053
Hidden layer 2 had mean 0.001082 and std 0.981789
Hidden layer 3 had mean 0.001913 and std 0.981715
Hidden layer 4 had mean -0.002010 and std 0.981523
Hidden layer 5 had mean 0.000435 and std 0.981463
Hidden layer 6 had mean 0.001119 and std 0.981712
Hidden layer 7 had mean -0.000742 and std 0.981718
Hidden layer 8 had mean -0.001431 and std 0.981858
Hidden layer 9 had mean 0.000313 and std 0.981687
Hidden layer 10 had mean -0.001314 and std 0.981719
Notice that almost all neurons completely saturated to either -1 or 1 in every layer. This means gradients will be all zero and we won't be able to perform any learning on this network.
Xavier Initialization
So what is this saying? Normally random distributed numbers do not work with deep learning weight initialization. A good rule of thumb is to try Xaiver initialization from the paper Xiaver Initialization (Glorot et al. 2010).
W = np.random.randn(fan_in, fan_out) / np.sqrt(fan_in)
def xavier_init(fan_in, fan_out):
return np.random.randn(fan_in, fan_out) / np.sqrt(fan_in)
hidden_layer_acts, hidden_layer_means, hidden_layer_stds = forward_prop(hidden_layer_sizes, xavier_init)
for i, H in hidden_layer_acts.items():
print('Hidden layer %d had mean %f and std %f' % (i + 1, hidden_layer_means[i], hidden_layer_stds[i]))
# Plot the results
plt.plot(list(hidden_layer_acts.keys()), hidden_layer_means, 'ob-')
plt.title('layer mean')
plt.plot(list(hidden_layer_acts.keys()), hidden_layer_stds, 'or-')
plt.title('layer std')
# Plot the raw distribution
for i, H in hidden_layer_acts.items():
plt.subplot(1, len(hidden_layer_acts), i + 1)
plt.hist(H.ravel(), 30, range=(-1, 1))
Hidden layer 1 had mean 0.000078 and std 0.627422
Hidden layer 2 had mean -0.000466 and std 0.486087
Hidden layer 3 had mean -0.000066 and std 0.408522
Hidden layer 4 had mean 0.000266 and std 0.357302
Hidden layer 5 had mean 0.000371 and std 0.320092
Hidden layer 6 had mean 0.000447 and std 0.293146
Hidden layer 7 had mean 0.000247 and std 0.271269
Hidden layer 8 had mean -0.000204 and std 0.256240
Hidden layer 9 had mean -0.000225 and std 0.242764
Hidden layer 10 had mean 0.000805 and std 0.230877