Threads and Concurrency
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Threads represent multiple, independent execution contexts. They are part of the same virtual address space which means they share all of the virtual to physical address mappings. They will share all the code, data, files but they will execute different instructions and access different portions of that address space. Each thread will need to have a different program counter, stack pointer, stack, and thread-specific registers.
Each thread running on a different processor (CPU core) has access to its own processor cache. If the thread repeatedly executes a smaller portion of the code, more of that state of that program will be actually present in the cache. Thus, the performance benefit is that we are executing with a hotter cache.
Why not run a multi-process application instead of multi-threading?
Since the processes do not share an address space, we have to allocate for every single one of these context address space and execution context. The memory requirement will be much higher. However, one can argue that single threaded multi-process application is easier to program since the developer does not need to worry about thread safety. Another benefit of multi-threading is that it less costly to communicate data within a process than inter-process.
The real cost of context switching between processes is the remapping of virtual address space to physical address space. Since threads share an address space, when we context switch threads, the cost is relatively small.
In order to implement OS thread, we need the following.
Thread data structure
Identify threads and keep track of resource usage
Mechanism to create and manage threads
Mechanism to safely coordinate among threads
Concurrency in the same address space, e.g. avoid data race
Since threads share the same address space, two threads can simultaneously access the same physical memory address space. This can introduce some serious problem as one thread is reading while the other thread is writing, or both threads are trying to update the data at the same time.
Let’s see what we need to represent a thread. The thread type, proposed by Birrell, is the data structure that contains all information that’s specific to a thread and that can describe a thread. This includes the thread ID, program counter, stack pointer, registers, stack, and other attributes.
In order to create a thread, Birrell proposed fork.
The first parameter is a procedure that the created thread should immediately execute, think of it as a function that is passed into a thread. The args are arguments for the procedure. Similar to the following.
This fork should not be confused with the Unix system call. When a thread T0 calls a fork, a new thread T1 is created. T1’s fields are initialized such that its program counter will point to the first instruction of the procedure proc. After the fork operation completes, the process as a whole has two threads.
What happens when T1 finishes?
One programming practice would be to store the results of the procedure in some well-defined location in the address space that’s accessible to all the threads. More generally, however, we need some mechanism to determine that a thread is done. Birrell proposed a mechanism he calls join. When the parent thread calls join with the thread ID of the child thread, it will be blocked until the child completes its computation. Join will return to the parent the result of the child’s computation.
Here’s an example in C
When the parent thread and the child thread are simultaneously updating the list, there is a danger with one thread overwriting the result of another. To solve this problem, the operating system typically supports a construct called mutex. A mutex is like a lock that should be used whenever accessing data or state that’s shared among threads. The portion of the code protected by the mutex is called critical section.
Mutex is a binary operation, it is either locked or unlocked. What if the computation that you wish to perform needs to occur only under certain circumstances?
For instance, what if we have a number of producer threads that are inserting data to a list and then we have one special consumer thread that has to print out and then clear the contents of the list once it reaches a limit? We want to make sure that this consumer thread only really gets to execute its operation under these certain conditions when the list is actually full.
On the consumer side, the lock is automatically released once we enter the wait statement. On the producer side, the signal will wake up the wait function in consumer. Once the consumer is awaken, the lock is acquired again.
In summary, we have a condition type, which is sync.Cond
for Golang.
Wait takes in a mutex and a condition. The mutex is automatically released and re-acquire on wait.
Signal takes in a condition, and it notifies one thread waiting on condition.
Broadcast takes in a condition and it notifies all threads waiting on the condition.
At any given time, zero or more of the reader’s threads can access a resource, but only zero or one writer thread can access the resource concurrently at the same time. One naive approach to the problem is that we simply protect the entire resource with a mutex. This is, however, too restrictive for the reader/writer problem.
This is preventing us to have multiple reader to access the resource at the same time. It is actually okay to perform multiple read on a resource that is not being modified.
We can come up with some conditions that are acceptable.
When there is no reader and no writer, the resource is OK for read and write access.
When there is one or more reader and no writer, the resource is still OK for read access.
When there is one writer, the resource is NOT ok for read or write access.
We can now use a resource counter variable to represent such state.
means there is a writer accessing the resource
means there is no reader and no writer accessing the resource
means there is N number of reader accessing the resource
On the reader side, when we see that resource counter is negative one, we will perform a wait for the read phase. Once read phase is signaled, it performs an increment on resource counter. It then releases the lock and performs a read on the data. Once read is complete, it will acquire the lock again and signal the write phase if no other readers are concurrently reading the resource.
On the writer side, when we see that resource counter is not zero, we will perform a wait for the write phase. Once write phase is signaled, it sets the counter to negative one and then perform the logic to write data. Once write is complete, it will acquire the lock again and signal the read phase to reader threads and also the write phase to itself.
Although it seems complicated, we can actually generalize the problem by breaking them down into critical sections.
Now for reader code block and writer code block, there are essentially four of these critical sections. The critical section is protecting the state variable instead of the actual data variable.
Enter critical section
Perform critical operation on shared resources
Exit critical section
Enter critical section can be described by the following code.
Exit critical section can be described by the following code.
Keep track of mutex and conditional variables used with a resource
Check that you are always using lock and unlock
Use a single mutex to access a single resource
Check that you are signaling the correct condition
Check that you are not using signal when broadcast is needed
Here comes the classic problem of deadlock, where two threads are waiting for each other to release their resources. So how do we avoid it?
Unlock A before locking B, or the other way around
If two locks are necessary, then get all the locks upfront and release at the end.
We can also choose to use one mega lock to lock all resources.
The most accepted solution is to maintain lock ordering. Both threads should acquire mutex A first and then mutex B.
Kernel level threads are visible to the kernel and are managed by kernel level components like the kernel level scheduler. They may be directed to support some of the processes, like execute some of the user-level threads and some other kernel level threads may be there just to run certain OS level services.
At the user level, the processes themselves are multi-threaded and these are the user-level threads. For a user-level thread execute, it must be associated with a kernel level thread. And then the OS scheduler must schedule that kernel-level thread onto a CPU.
Each user level thread has a kernel level thread associated with it.
(pos) OS sees and understands threads, synchronization, and blocking.
(neg) It must go to the OS for all operations which may be expensive.
(neg) OS may have limits on policies and thread numbers.
(neg) Poor portability from one OS to another.
Multiple user-level threads from the same process are mapped to a single kernel-level thread. At the user-level, there is a thread management library that decides which one of the user-level thread will be mapped onto the kernel-level thread at any given point of time. That user-level thread will only run once the kernel-level thread is actually scheduled on the CPU.
(pos) It is totally portable, it doesn’t depend on OS limits and policies.
(neg) OS has no insight into application needs.
(neg) OS may block entire process if one user-level thread blocks on I/O.
It allows some user-level threads to be mapped onto some kernel-level threads.
(pos) This is the best of both worlds.
(pos) It can have bound or unbound threads.
Unbound means that user-level threads may be scheduled onto any of the kernel-level threads.
Bound means that we can have some particular user-level threads mapped one-to-one on some specific kernel-threads.
(neg) It requires coordination between user and kernel level thread managers.
User level library manages threads within a single process, thus it is process scope. OS manages system-wide threads via CPU scheduler, thus this is system scope.
Let’s say the webserver has twice as many threads as the database. If the user-level threads have a process scope, the OS doesn’t see all the threads. So the OS may choose to allocate 2 kernel threads to the web server and 2 kernel threads to the database to achieve an equal share of resource allocation. The end result is that the each thread in the web server will only receive half the CPU time of those threads in the database.
However, if we put the threads on the system level, then the OS will get to give an equal CPU time share to each thread. Thus, it is a choice that the user must make to decide on which scope to put the threads on.
There is one boss thread and many worker threads. The boss thread is responsible for assigning work to the workers. The worker will carry out the actual execution of a task.
Whenever we have a job, we first give it to the boss. The boss will distribute the work to worker. The bottleneck of this design is on the boss thread. The throughput of the system is limited by how much efficient can the boss thread assign work to worker threads.
The workers don’t need to synchronize
Alternative approach is to use a job queue to reduce the overhead of managing workers.
Workers can be specialized in tasks to keep CPU cache hot.
Boss must keep track of what each worker is doing.
Throughput will go down.
If the worker threads are specialized, load balancing is more challenging.
Thread pool is the common approach to create a worker pool. We pre-define a fixed size of thread pool to service the boss thread. Whenever there is a need, we double the size of the thread pool to handle extra work.
In this approach, threads are assigned one subtask of the whole system. Entire task is completed by a pipeline of threads.We will break the task into multiple stages. If a stage has more workload than others, we can assign a thread pool for that particular stage.
Threads are specialized and maintain locality
Balancing and synchronization overhead