CPU scheduler chooses one of the ready tasks to run on CPU. It runs when CPU becomes IDLE. This occurs when a thread is making system call and enters the I/O request cycle. It can also run when a new task or thread becomes ready and enters the ready queue. When a thread is dispatched onto a CPU, it performs a context switch, enters user mode, and set the appropriate program counter.
Question is which task should be selected? That depends on the OS scheduling algoritm and policy.
The design of the ready queue (also known as the run queue) and the scheduling algorithm are tightly coupled.
Types of Schedulin Policy
Shortest Job First (SJF)
There are couple assumptions we must make first.
We know the execution time for each task
We only have 1 CPU
Scheduler does not preempt running task, each task is run to completion.
We can maintain a BST as a the run queue, and then as we insert new tasks to the run queue like we insert a node to a BST. Whenever the scheduler needs to pick a task, it picks the left most node because that is the task with the least execution time. Of course, we can also use a heap tree to create a min heap.
SJF with Preemption
Suppose each task does not arrive at the same time. We have the following three tasks.
Execution Time
Arrival Time
1 sec
10 sec
1 sec
Since T2 is arrived first, the scheduler will run T2 first. However, we are allowed to perform a preemption, i.e. we can stop T2 from running and resume it later.
Whenever the task enters the run queue, the scheduler needs to examine the execution time of different task and determines which one has the shortest remaining execution time. However, it is difficult in principle to know the exact execution time of each task, we must use some heuristics based on history to make an estimate.
Priority with Preemption
Each task may have different priority level. Instead of looking at execution time, we can look at task that has the highest priority for scheduling. Whenever a new task with higher priorty appears in the run queue, the current running task must be preempted.
Execution Time
Arrival Time
1 sec
10 sec
1 sec
Although T2 arrives first, it must be preempted upon the arrival of T1 because T1 has the highest priority. After T1's completion, the execution should resume on T2 because T2 has higher priority than T3.
We can achieve this scheduling policy by maintaining multiple priority queue, e.g. P1 queue, P2 queue, and etc... The scheduler should always pick from the non-empty queue with highest priority. Priority should a function of effective_priority(priority, time_in_queue)
to avoid starvation.
Priority Inversion
Priority can be inverted if a high priority task is waiting for a lock to be released by a low priority task. This will cause the low prioirty task to finish before the high priority task. We can avoid this situation by a temporarily boosting of priority on the low prority task such that it can release the lock sooner. The temporary boosting will go away as soon as the low priority task releases its lock.
Round Robin
Scheduler picks up the task that is arrived. The task may yield to wait on I/O operation. Then the scheduler will do a round robin to select the next task to run. We can incorporate priority in the round robin approach as well, but that means we need preemption.
Time Slice
A time slice is the maximum amount of unterrupted time given to a task, also known as the time quantum. Task may run less than the time slice when it is waiting for I/O or release of a mutex. Tasks become interleaved and they timeshare the CPU. If a task is CPU bound, it will be preempted after timeslice.
With the time slice approach, we have the following benefits
Short tasks finish sooner
System is more responsive
Lengthy I/O operations are initiated sooner
Length of a Time Slice
It depends on whether the system has more I/O bound tasks or CPU bound tasks.
For CPU bound tasks, it is better to have a long time slice because we want to minimize context swithc as much as possible. When it comes to CPU bound tasks, users only care about throughput and average completion time. They don't care about how long does a task need to wait before it starts execution.
For I/O bound tasks, the value of time slice is actually not very relevant because the task will always get switched off CPU when it enters I/O operation. The context switch in this case is inevitable. However if we have a mixture of CPU bound and I/O bound tasks, it will actually result in a better performance if the time slice is small. The key is that the I/O task will have its I/O operation starts sooner. The wait time is utilized for CPU bound task.
Runqueue Data Structure
If we want I/O bound and CPU bound tasks to have different time slice values for optimization, then we can consider
One runqueue but check type for each task
Two different runqueues, one for CPU bound another for I/O bound
If we maintain a different queue for different type of tasks, we can have the following choice.
Queue 1 has time slice of 8 ms with highest priority, reserved for I/O intensive tasks.
Queue 2 has time slice of 16 ms with medium priority, reserved for mixture of I/O and CPU tasks.
Queue 3 has time slice of infinity with lowest priority, reserved for CPU intensive tasks.
The challenge here is that we don't really know whether the tasks are CPU or I/O bound. We can take this approach.
Tasks enter top most queue
If task yields voluntarily, keep task at this level because it is I/O bound intensive
If task uses entire time slice, push down to lower level
Task in lower queue gets priority boost when releasing CPU due to I/O operations.
This is called the multi-level feedback queue.
Linux O(1) Scheduler
The O(1) scheduler is a constant time select/add task scheduler, regardless of the number of available tasks. It is preemptive and priority based. It has a total of 140 priority levels, with zero being the highest and 139 the lowest. These priority levels are organized into two different classes, real time (0-99) and time sharing class (100-139).
All user processes have one of the time sharing priority levels. The default priority level is 120. The nice values can adjust the priority level ranging from -20 to 19.
It associates different time slice value with different priority level. It also uses feedback to make adjustments for priority levels on tasks.
Timeslice Value
Depends on priority
Smallest for low priority tasks
Highest for high priority tasks
Sleep time: waiting or idling
Longer sleep means more interactive, receives priority boost -5
Smaller sleep means compute-intensive, receives priority decay +5
The runqueues are organized into two arrays of tasks. Each array element points to the first runnable task at the corresponding priority level.
Active tasks are used to pick the next task to run. It is constant time to select. One just need to index into the array for a given prority level. It is also constant time add because each array list has a pointer to its tail.
If tasks yield the CPU to wait on an event, the time they spent on the CPU is subtracted from the total amount of time. If the remaining time is still less than the timeslice, tasks will remain in queue in the active array until timeslice expires.
Expired tasks are inactive, in the sense that they won't be placed on the CPU as long as there are tasks on the active array. When there are no more taks in the active array, the expired tasks will be swapping pointers with the active tasks. The whole cycle repeats.
The O(1) scheduler affected the performance of interactive tasks significantly. For this reason, the new Linux scheduler uses CFS.
Linux CFS Scheduler
In O(1) scheduler, once tasks are placed on the expired list, they wouldn't be scheduled again until all remaining tasks from the active list have a chance to execute. As a result, all interactive tasks experience a lot of jitter.
Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) uses a red-black tree as its runqueue structure. The tasks are ordered by virtual runtime (time spent on CPU) on the tree. CFS tracks its virutal runtime in a nanosecond granularity. The tasks with less virtual runtime needs to be scheduled sooner to ensure fairness.
As the algorithm goes, CFS will always pick the left-most node on the tree. Periodically CFS will adjust the virtual runtime of the task that's currently running on the CPU and compare it to the virtual runtime of the left most task on the tree. If it is smaller, the task will remain on the CPU, else it will preempt and be placed in the tree. The CFS will select the left-most node to run.
Virtual runtime progress rate depends on priroity and niceness.
Rate faster for low priority tasks
Rate slower for high priority tasks
Use same tree for all priorities
In summary,
Select task is O(1)
Add task is O(log n)
Scheduling on Multiprocessors
First we look at a shared memory multiprocessor architecture, which is the default of running one process with multiple threads running on multiple CPU cores. Each CPU has its own private cache and memory is shared in the RAM.
When a thread is running on a core, its cache will become hot. We want to avoid re-scheduling this thread on a different CPU to avoid cold cache. This concept is known as cache affinity.We can achieve this with a hiearchical scheduler architecture. We will keep multiple queues and each queue is associated with one core.
The idea is to load balance across CPU
based on queue length
or when CPU is idle
The reason why we have to context switch among threads is because CPU has one set of registers to describe the active execution context. Overtime, hardware architects have recognized that they can do certain things to help hide some of the overheads associated with context switching.
One way to achieve this is to have CPUs that have multiple set of registers, each each set of register can describe the context of a separate thread. This is known as hyperthreading. Although there is only one CPU, the context switching between threads is significantly faster. Each hyperthread will appear to the operating system as a virtual core.
In hyperthreading,
context switch is on order of cycles
memory loading is on order of 100 cycles
That implies hyperthreading can hide memory access latency because if one hyperthread is accessing memory, the other hyperthread can perform a context switch almost immediately and start running. CPU is free to perform as many context switches as needed to hide the memory access latency.
Hyperthreading Scheduling
We need to make couple assumptins.
Thread issues instruction on each cycle, max instruction per cyle is 1.
Memory access takes 4 cycles.
Hardware context switching is instantaneous
We have 2 hyperthreads on a CPU
Suppose we have the following three scenarios.
Pure CPU Bound
We will co-schedule two compute-bound threads. We use X to denote idle time and C to denote compute time.
Threads are interfering with each other and contend for CPU resource. As a result, each of the thread is 2 times slower to execute.
Pure Memory Bound
We will co-schedule two memory-bound threads. We use - to denote idle time as a result of waiting for memory access and M to denote memory access call.
M - - - M - - -
- M - - - M - -
This is leading to many wasted CPU cycles.
Mix of CPU & Memory
We will co-schedule one CPU intensive thread and one memory intensive thread.
- M - - - M - -
This will give the most optimal usage of CPU. It avoids ahd limits contention on processor pipeline. All components of CPU and memory are well utilized.
CPU or Memory Bound
How do we know if the thread is CPU bound or memory bound? We will use historic information to look at the thread's past behavior. However, this is a bit different from IO where we could use sleep time to determine whether a thread is IO bound. When thread is performing a memory access, it is not actually sleeping. We also cannot perform computation on the software level to determine how long has a thread been sleeping. Thus, we need a hardware level information to figure out the historic information.
Fortunately, modern hardware provides a hardware counter to keep track of information like the following.
L1, L2, ... LLC misses
Cycles Per Instruction (CPI) or Instructions Per Cycle (IPC)
Power and energy data
Software interface and tools like oprofile, Linux perf are available to extract the hardware information. We will use hardware counters to figure out the resources a thread needs to determine whether it is CPU or memory bound. For example, memory bound has a high CPI while CPU bound has 1 or lower CPI. The important take away is that cores with a mixed of CPI values will lead to better performance overall.
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